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year: 2017
country: Russia
director: Klim Shipenko
producer: Anton Zlatopolsky, Sergey Selyanov, Baku Bakuradze
operator: Sergey Astakhov, Ivan Burlakov
artist: Pavel Novikov

1985 year. The Soviet space station Salyut-7, in orbit in the unmanned mode, unexpectedly ceases to respond to signals sent from the flight control center. The fall of the station, which is the pride of Soviet science and cosmonautics, can turn into not only a loss of the image of the country, but also a tragedy with human victims.

To find out the causes of the accident and prevent a catastrophe, it is necessary to send people into orbit. However, no one ever docked in space with an uncontrolled object. The flight to Salyut-7 station is still considered, from a technical point of view, the most difficult in the history of world space exploration.

We were able to figure out how to freeze the spacecraft, so that it looked real in space.

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